Tuesday 8 February 2011

Ooops Again

As you can see from my last post things haven't been going exactly how I wanted them too recently. But after blogging my woes, I talked myself around (yes, I know this is the first sign of madness) and started to feel more positive, then wham, another bombshell fell.

I received a phone call from my father telling me that my uncle, who had just been diagnosed with cancer at christmas, had died. He just didn't have the fight in him and gave up. I knew this but still was surprised that it happened so quickly. He leaves my 3 cousins who are 30 and under, alone as their mother died a few years ago.

It floored me and I Friday I got nothing further done. Saturday was a little better and Sunday I had a nice 2 hours to myself wandering around town while B was at Boxing.

Everything seems so hard and against us at the moment that sometimes it really feels that we should take the easy option, go bankrupt and give up.

Well today the sun has been shining, we have had a few work problems but instead of saying why us - we just concerned ourselves with the solutions. I have had a good day on my 2nd job, reaching easily my target of calls per hour and am totally over one of my sales targets.

So am not giving up, not this week anyway. Going to keep going and keep fighting.

Popped down the shops earlier and spent on a few necessary groceries, nothing that wasn't on my list found its way into my basket today. Both children have come home from school happy and J is on his way back from work. Dinner is cooking as I type, going to eat that and have a much needed early night.

So really it isn't all that bad - sometimes thinking positively is very much easier said than done.

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