Friday 31 December 2010


Today's Essential To Do List

Update both business' cashbooks & bookkeeping
1st Business VAT
2nd Business VAT
2nd Buss invoices

Tax vehicle online
Update filofax for next week.
Update and reconcile personal bank account
Pay Personal Bills
Check & tidy in-piles

Vehicle maintenance and drivers hours filing  (horrible, long drawn out but very important job) - carried forward to Sunday - had an unexpected visitor so that is my excuse (nothing to do with the kindle that Amazon kindly delivered today)

Office 'before' photo's.

As promised 'before' photos. Maybe some might think it's not too bad but I hate it being like this. By the end of January I plan to post 'After' photo's and show the transformation :)

By the way, the bureau was in my Nan & Grandad's house. When my Nan died two years ago I knew one thing that would remind me of her was this bureau and the bonus was no-one else wanted it. Its quite a useful piece of storage furniture and one day, when life becomes less hectic I plan to do it up.

January 2011 Aim & todays to do list.

Ok, deep breath here we go.

I am lucky enough to have a home office. I now have 2 major jobs and will be spending a lot more time in this office. Its a tiny space and its cluttered, untidy & not as organised as it could be. So my main aim for January is to organise this space. I also want to catch up on all this things I am behind with - do my business' books monthly rather than leave them for months on end, have a filing day each week etc etc. So the time I spend in this office will be much more productive. My first start in this process is to take lots of (probably rather boring for most people) photo's of the 'before'. By the end of January this space will be cleared, functional and a much nicer place to work.

Today's Essential To Do List

Update both business' cashbooks & bookkeeping
1st Business VAT
2nd Business VAT
2nd Buss invoices

Tax vehicle online
Update filofax for next week.
Update and reconcile personal bank account
Pay Personal Bills
Check & tidy in-piles

Vehicle maintenance and drivers hours filing  (horrible, long drawn out but very important job)

Actually doesn't seem so bad here.

Goodbye & good riddance 2010

Wow, that took me about 2 minutes to set up this blog - nice.

The reason I have started this blog today is that it is going to be one of my 'tools' for 2011. I can be a great procrastinator and with a other half who doesn't push me or really know what I do most of the time (hehe) this will be my motivator.

I am not going to list a great big list of New Years resolutions. But I will state my aims for myself (family aims are a different matter), these are in no particular order.
Become more organised
Learn to live within my means
Become more efficient
Be a great time manager
De clutter home, body & mind
Make 2011 a prosperous and healthy year.

This list is not exhaustive and really all the aims link together. 2010 has been quite a bad year both financially and personally with major cash-flow and health problems. I will probably go into these in more detail later but today is a day of thinking forward.

I really need to get my goals, long term and short term aims more organised but as they say - baby steps, Rome wasn't built in a day and other great cliches that I can't think of right at this moment.

Anyway this isn't helping my procrastination right now, I have 2 VAT returns (yuck yuck double yuck) to complete & upload, a rather horrible but very necessary filing job and a list of other things to do today so I can wake up in the New Year tomorrow feeling good about myself.

I have spent a little while taking pictures of my office how it stands today and its where I am going to start.

To anyone reading (quite possible no-one but thats OK) enjoy your last day of 2010 & Happy New Year!
