Thursday 17 February 2011

Enough with the moaning

The title says it all, reading back this blog there is a lot of moaning and excuses. No more!

Today is going to be a good day. Have my hospital appointment this morning. The hospital is 45 minutes away. J is coming with me. Once have left the hospital am off to a parcel depot to pick up a delivery I missed yesterday. Will have to have lunch out as my appointment is 11.30 so will find somewhere nice to go. Then on the way back home I need to pop into Asda to order my sisters photo birthday cake. Managed to pop into my Mums yesterday and pick up some dodgy photos - oh the hairstyles - still makes me smile now.

Will have a big lunch so will get away with making the kids macaroni cheese for dinner, they will moan - they know when they have macaroni cheese its because we have been out for lunch lol, but they will live and it is half term next week.

I may or may not get some ironing done today - it will still be there tomorrow.

Thats it for me today, not very exciting. Will be digging out and sorting my camera this weekend ready for my sisters 40th. Will be getting back into taking photo's so I can start putting some colour on here. Also the signs of spring are showing and I want to catch it.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

All Change

Back again - too long since I last posted but that is because a lot has happened.

Last Friday I received a crappy phone call from the company I do my 2nd job for. They had changed the rules & targets yet again and I had done something wrong. I didn't like the way I was spoken to and decided to quit there and then. I did enjoy the job but not the company I was working for. Out of the 8 people who started at the same time as me only 2 remain. We were all good at it and decent people so I figure it is their loss. At first I was gutted and worried that I had made a mistake but now I am just relieved. Sure I will miss the money but not the time in effort which actually wasn't reflected in the money I earnt. Also I was really disliking the fact that is their systems had errors which stopped us logging in then caused us to lose money then we were moaned at for not meeting all our posted hours.

Since stopped I have also realised how behind I am with everything else. Also its half-term here next week and I was struggling to juggle my hours and spend time with the kids and make my Uncles Funeral which is Tuesday. My children are 15 & 12 and I still think its important to do things together as very soon they just will not want to be with their old parents :)

So money will once again be a little bit tighter but lets face it, that is true for more or less all of us at the moment for various reasons. Now I can really concentrate on my ebay challenge, saving money by cooking more, being more organised and planning better.

Only thing is havn't quite got in a good new routine yet. Although I have more time I seem to be getting less done. Some of this is due to spending a lot of time on the phone helping sort Uncles funeral & also making all the arrangements for my sister's 40th Birthday next week. Today was a dentist appointment (filing replaced urgh) and tomorrow will be a day lost at the hospital but hopefully they will be able to tell me what caused me to be in hospital for nearly a week last november.

I have come to a decision though, 2011 was to be our year. It hasn't started great so I am going to start the New Year again on the 20th March which is my birthday.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Ooops Again

As you can see from my last post things haven't been going exactly how I wanted them too recently. But after blogging my woes, I talked myself around (yes, I know this is the first sign of madness) and started to feel more positive, then wham, another bombshell fell.

I received a phone call from my father telling me that my uncle, who had just been diagnosed with cancer at christmas, had died. He just didn't have the fight in him and gave up. I knew this but still was surprised that it happened so quickly. He leaves my 3 cousins who are 30 and under, alone as their mother died a few years ago.

It floored me and I Friday I got nothing further done. Saturday was a little better and Sunday I had a nice 2 hours to myself wandering around town while B was at Boxing.

Everything seems so hard and against us at the moment that sometimes it really feels that we should take the easy option, go bankrupt and give up.

Well today the sun has been shining, we have had a few work problems but instead of saying why us - we just concerned ourselves with the solutions. I have had a good day on my 2nd job, reaching easily my target of calls per hour and am totally over one of my sales targets.

So am not giving up, not this week anyway. Going to keep going and keep fighting.

Popped down the shops earlier and spent on a few necessary groceries, nothing that wasn't on my list found its way into my basket today. Both children have come home from school happy and J is on his way back from work. Dinner is cooking as I type, going to eat that and have a much needed early night.

So really it isn't all that bad - sometimes thinking positively is very much easier said than done.

Friday 4 February 2011

January Blues

Well I did say I was going to use this blog as motivation didn't I - the reason that I haven't posted for ages is that I have been feeling guilty. I wanted to post showing pictures of how much I had got done & my aim was by the end of January I would have a lovely decluttered office and a wonderful place to work. I left this blog, I didn't forget about it I just thought that I wouldn't bother with it again as I had already failed in the first month of the year. No office decluttering has been done, my office is still in a mess and I have at least 6 months of personal filing to get done. I also have month ends to do for at least 3 months! So I kept thinking about that and beat myself up over it.

Now no more, although I didn't fullfill that aim I have done loads of hours on my 2nd job & kept up to date with all the business stuff. The house is relatively clean and tidy & I have been cooking loads. This week I have not touched a takeaway menu at all - no mean feat for this family.

January has now gone, thankfully, we have all had the January blues. A has done two weeks of mock GCSE's and the business has had lots of bills and horrible cashflow problems. These are still there and J is having to make a grovelling phone call to the vat office to apologise that we haven't paid the full amount as of yet. We are still suffering from the incredible bad luck we had last year and the fuel increase has hit us hard.

Anyway, now we are in February and we even had some sunshine yesterday :). Its amazing how much better that makes you feel straight away. I do not have any hours on my 2nd job today so I am having a housework day and it might be sad to say but I am quite enjoying it. Both children are at school and J is in bed having worked last month. So its just me and the little dog and a whole load of peace and quiet.  Its nice to be doing something that isn't brain taxing and you can see the benefits straight away.

So in a nutshell - honesty does sometimes hurt but they is no point in beating yourself up about things & avoiding them. My mojo and energy levels are slowing increasing and February, although a bleak and depressing month, is very short - onwards to spring.